Long COVID is complicated, but it shouldn’t be hard to understand.

Despite a PhD in Neuroscience and access to top health systems, it still took over a year for me to a receive a long COVID diagnosis, and even longer to find doctors well versed in current research. Since becoming ill, I have learned so much about the way our bodies respond to illness and the historical maltreatment and neglect of patients with post-viral conditions. In addition to the clear moral imperative we have to find treatments and cures for these conditions, I’m struck by how wide the implications of these research question are to the areas of human biology. I firmly believe that understanding the pathophysiology of long COVID will not only benefit the innumerable individuals with long COVID and post-viral syndromes, but also advance our understanding of the basic principles underlying energy metabolism, neuro-immune interactions, chronic viral infections, and more.

I also firmly believe you shouldn’t need a PhD or a medical degree to follow the current state of research in these areas.

The Long COVID Research Breakdown is my contribution toward bridging this gap, bringing you the latest updates in long COVID and myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) research as well as detailed reviews on current hot topics.

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Taking the latest long COVID breakthroughs and making them easier to understand


Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Neuroscience, long COVID patient and advocate.